We have a Shipping Address!!! (Hint: It is a Palindrome!)

We have a heavy, secure wrought iron gate across our street entrance on Scott Street.  Very safe.

Due the the genius of the architect of the remodel of our new place, however, the unit’s mailboxes are behind that gate!  Apparently the mailman just has to feed mail through the tiny openings in the gate, since he can’t access our box.

That won’t do.  That won’t do at all.

So, we have a box at the UPS store on Chestnut Street– and its address is one you cannot forget.

2269 Chestnut Street, #622
San Francisco, CA 94123

How is it that you cannot forget it, you ask?  We picked a palindrome box!  2269 622.  Easy-peasy!

Even if you forget, just google the UPS Store on Chestnut Street, and when you see their address, you know that our box number is a palindrome derived from it.  


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